An Overview of the Algebra Exit Exam
The Algebra Exit Exam is an annual assessment given in late May to 7th or 8th grade students enrolled in Algebra I. The purpose of the exam is to determine if students are prepared to move on to more advanced math classes, such as geometry. The result from this exam along with other factors determines a student’s math placement for the following year. For example, some CPS schools will use a student’s score to place them into either regular or honors geometry. Other schools may use the Algebra Exit Exam in addition to their own math placement assessment. The benefits of this exam are that it helps administrators place students into the proper math class for their level and allows qualified students to take advanced placement math classes in the future.
The exam is 120 minutes long and is composed of 34 multiple choice problems and 6 short constructed response items. Short constructed response items are questions that ask students to use algebra concepts to critically solve real world problems. The exam is administered online and is scored on a pass/fail system where students can receive either a high pass, pass, or fail.
Test Prep Chicago offers a 1-day four hour workshop in preparation for Algebra Exit Exam. The workshop includes a full practice test, review of test questions, and instruction for key test strategies and skills. For more information about setting up tutoring, please call (312) 848-1266 or send an email to
Nate Mann, Test Prep Chicago Intern