8th Grade HS Exam Palooza Workshop


Test Prep Palooza is our unique, one-day test prep "bootcamp". The program includes a full practice test, review of test questions, and instruction for key test strategies and skills. Students will also be provided with a pizza lunch. After the program, parents will receive a detailed Test Prep Chicago practice exam analysis, which will include a full breakdown of their student's strengths and weaknesses.

Test Prep Palooza Workshop Tuition: $180

HSPT Test Prep Palooza Workshop Tuition: $225

8th Grade High School Entrance Exam Test Prep Palooza

Prepares students for the Selective Enrollment (CPS HSAT), Independent (ISEE), and Parochial (HSPT) high school entrance exams.

When signing up for a workshop, you will be prompted to create a profile. When doing so, please enter your STUDENT’S NAME in the BASIC INFO section. See below.


For more information about our palooza workshops and sign-ups, please email info@testprepchicago.com or call (312) 848-1266.