Tips for Remote Learning
Since Chicago Schools will be closed through at least April 30th due to COVID-19 concerns, CPS announced a remote learning plan for schools to begin on April 13th (for more information, see our previous blog post). While students will have the opportunity to continue learning, that doesn’t mean it won’t be without a challenge.
Below are Test Prep Chicago’s tips for optimizing your student’s remote learning.
1. Create the most ideal learning space possible.
While this may be difficult with the whole family all home at once, finding a quiet space in your home for your student to do his or her work will help your student to maintain focus, and be engaged in their remote learning.
2. Make sure your student turns off his or her phone or other electronic devices before logging in to learn.
Just like in school, students should turn off any other electronic devices that may distract them from schooling.
3. Use applications or browser extensions to help maintain focus.
Browser extensions like StayFocused for Chrome is a free extension to your browser which limits accessibility to other websites that may be distracting during work time. In addition, if your student is completing remote work on a phone or tablet, there are also similar apps available.
4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
We’re all collectively becoming a bit more tech-savvy out of necessity, but these skills don’t come easily to everyone. It’s okay to reach out to your student’s school, etc. to ask for help on how to set up the necessary programs to facilitate remote learning for your student.
5. Don’t be too hard on your student (or yourself).
This is a tough time for everyone. In addition to moving work and school online, many families are also worried about the safety of their loved ones. Don’t be too hard on yourself or your students as you navigate how best remote learning fits into your family.
In addition to schools transitioning online, Test Prep Chicago is now online as well to help supplement your student’s learning with a private tutor. We can also help your students work to prepare for placement tests or get a jump-start on standardized tests in the fall. To set up private tutoring, email us at
Lauren Lynch, Tutoring Coordinator
(312) 848-1266