Test Prep Chicago

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An Overview of the Selective Enrollment High School Entrance Exam

Designed specifically for the high school selective enrollment process in Chicago, the Selective Enrollment High School Entrance Exam is an achievement skills test. The exam, created by Chicago Public School’s Office of Access and Enrollment (OAE), is broken into four sections: math, reading comprehension, language, and vocabulary. The test takes approximately three hours to complete, and the number of questions can range from 40-56 per section. A calculator is not permitted and there is no guessing penalty on the SEHS.

To take the SEHS, Chicago Public School, parochial school, and private school students must sign up for the exam in the fall of their 8th grade year. The test is administered several times in the fall/winter season, with testing dates in October, November, December, and January. Like the NWEA MAP test (refer to our previous blog post), the SEHS counts as 1/3, or 300 of the 900 attainable points, to get into a selective enrollment high school. The final 300 points are taken from a student’s 7th grade grades in math, reading, science, and social studies.

Test Prep Chicago has prepared students for the SEHS the past 8 years through group courses and individual tutoring sessions. We have received very positive feedback from parents and students about our tutoring programs. To learn more about how to set-up private tutoring for the SEHS or to enroll in an SEHS prep course, please visit our website: testprepchicago.com.

Lauren Lynch, Tutoring Coordinator
(312) 848-1266