Test Prep Palooza Workshops for 5th - 8th Grade Students
Test Prep Palooza is our unique, one-day test prep "bootcamp" (with pizza!). The program includes a full practice test, review of test questions, instruction for key test strategies and skills, and a pizza lunch break (included). After the program, parents will receive a detailed Test Prep Chicago practice exam analysis, which will include strengths and weaknesses, areas for focus, and study suggestions.
Test Prep Palooza Workshop Tuition: $145 (includes lunch)
5th grade NWEA MAPalooza
Prepares students for the NWEA MAP test (used in the Academic Center enrollment process). These will be offered in the spring before the spring NWEA MAP test.
We will continue to add workshops to our website as schedules are finalized.
6th Grade AC Test Prep Palooza
Prepares students for the Academic Center Entrance Exam.
We plan to finalize schedules for our AC Test Prep Workshops in the summer 2019.
7th grade NWEA MAPalooza
Prepares students for the NWEA MAP test (used in the selective enrollment process). These will be offered in the spring before the spring NWEA MAP test.
We will continue to add workshops to our website as schedules are finalized.
8th Grade High School Entrance Exam Test Prep Palooza
Prepares students for the selective enrollment (SEHS), independent (ISEE), and parochial (HSPT) high school entrance exams.
We plan to finalize schedules for our 8th Grade Test Prep Palooza Workshops in the summer 2019.
Algebra Exit Exam Palooza
Prepares students for the Algebra Exit Exam. The Algebra Exit Exam is an annual assessment administered in late May to all eligible 7th and 8th-grade students enrolled in an algebra course. The results of the exam along with other factors are used to determine placement or credit with respect to high school math courses.
We will continue to add workshops to our website as schedules are finalized.
For more information about our palooza workshops and sign-ups, please email info@testprepchicago.com or call (312) 848-1266.