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The Writing & Language Section on the SAT

On the SAT, the Writing and Language section is designed to measure students’ ability to follow standard conventions of written English. In this section, students will be asked to edit or revise selected texts for increased correctness and conciseness. Students will have 35 minutes to answer 44 questions—this means they should spend an average of 48 seconds on each question.

There are typically four writing passages on the test that are approximately 400-450 words, each with around 11 accompanying questions. Punctuation questions test your ability to correctly use punctuation marks. Grammar questions involve understanding grammar conventions including subject-verb agreement, verb formation, and preposition usage. Other questions will test your ability to construct sentences correctly, select precise words and avoid redundancy, and strategize about the overall effectiveness and organization of your writing.

While the optional essay was discontinued by the College Board in 2021, this section will still test your understanding of how to successfully communicate using standard English conventions. To tackle these questions, make sure you read each option carefully and pinpoint what rule or skill is being tested. Additionally, it always helps to read as much as you can in the months before the test to help develop your intuition for correct, effective writing!

Anna Jordan, Tutoring Coordinator
(312) 848-1266