Test Prep Chicago Believes Black Lives Matter
Dear Test Prep Chicago Family,
We're writing this today because silence is not an option for us. As a test prep company, we don't tend to take any kind of partisan stance; however, believing that black lives matter isn't a stance-- it's a call for equality, for basic human rights, and for empowering our government to ensure black and brown lives are protected from a fate no one should endure.
As a small business in Chicago, we take great pride in the diverse makeup of our community. We stand in solidarity with our tutors, students, and families of color, as well as those around the world working to put an end to the systematic racism that brought us here in the first place.
As an education company, we encourage just that: education. It is important that we continue to engage in the difficult but necessary conversations that will move our nation forward to where it needs to be. We're sharing a document, Say Their Names, that our friends at Chicago Public Schools created to help foster those productive conversations to lead to a better, safer, and more inclusive tomorrow.
Be well, and stay safe.
Charlie and Lauren
Charlie Howard, Owner
Lauren Lynch, Tutoring Coordinator
(312) 848-1266